New SBE Certification Application
To be completed if you are a new firm applying for RTD SBE Certification for the first time, or if your SBE Certification has expired.
Recertification Application
To be completed if you are a currently certified RTD SBE and 6 years has passed since your last certification.
Annual Update Application
To be completed if you are a currently certified RTD SBE. This must be completed annually on or before the firm’s certification anniversary date.
NAICS Code Addition/Remove Request Form
To be submitted when requesting a change to bid codes for an existing SBE certification.
Change/No Change Affidavit
To be submitted with the Annual Update and/or in the event of any changes to organizational structure and contact information for an existing SBE certification.
Personal Financial Statement Form
To be submitted with a New Certification or Recertification application, or on the request of RTD.
Prime and Subcontractor Payment Forms
Form E reports payments to DBE/SBE subcontractors and must be submitted monthly by prime contractors.
Form E2 reports payments received from prime contractors and must be submitted DBE/SBE contractors.